Outdoor Ed. 20/30 Students Embark on Memorable Canoe Trip

In June, the Outdoor Education 20/30 class set off on an exciting canoe trip along the Churchill River near Missinipe, Saskatchewan. Despite facing uncertainties due to sanctions leading up to the adventure, Mrs. Shindle and the students worked tirelessly to finalize last-minute details and make the trip happen.

Thanks to extensive fundraising efforts and a generous donation from the Parkland Wildlife Federation, the group was able to purchase essential equipment, marking this as the first canoe trip in northern Saskatchewan in many years.

Throughout their three-day journey, the students gained invaluable skills, including how to keep gear dry in rainy conditions, fire starting techniques, navigation, knot tying, and shelter building. They even learned the art of making marshmallows "over-easy"!

The group paddled over 40 kilometers, creating lasting memories and fostering teamwork and resilience. They are already busy planning their next adventure for spring!

A special thank you goes to Colin Frey from Renewed by Nature for his guidance and support, as well as to David from Modes of Adventure for joining the trip. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to the parents for their flexibility and support throughout the planning process, helping to prepare the students for this unforgettable experience.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to explore the great outdoors!